Its been a few weeks here on the Left Coast, unexpectedly finding myself immersed in the reboot of this turbo bike build at Zombie Apocalypse Workshop's secret lair.
I have to button it up for now. Hopefully soon I'll have the opportunity to continue the build either here or back on the East Coast.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
resurrection, part 5
Thursday, October 31, 2013
resurrection, part 4... low buck hacks
I found an in-line fuel filter in a box full of odds and ends. Realized it could be repepurposed, but needed a custom fitting. A scrap of aluminum bar stock went on the lathe.
see the rest of the story...
A bit of drilling/tapping/threading and this is the result:

Compared to the original reservoir, we save space (to stuff other, more important turbo-related items into). Plus I like the look.

"Custom" graphic treatment of exhaust heat shield. This is why Sharpies were invented.

Minimal nubbins for securing the air horn (the bit of conduit from part 2) of this series. A bit of weld build up then ground down on an chop saw's abrasive wheel.

I might have done it TOO minimal. Just the barest of nubs.

filter mounted.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
resurrection, Part 3
A bunch of stuff completed in the past few days. Some highlights here:
The ignition pickup cover (right side of crankshaft) looks like a welding practice piece. That's because it is. My first crack at aluminum welding years ago.
The mounting hole was cramped by this boss and had to use a threaded stud in the engine case with a nut to secure this cover. To get a short bolt to fit required more clearance. Thus the hacksaw you see here.
(a bunch more pictures and details below)
file it smooth-ish.
A bolt ("machine screw") can now tuck in behind.
I could have welded on another aluminum chunk, then drilled and threaded it to accept this pneumatic cylinder.... but I'm getting lazier in my old age. So a castle nut roughed up with sandpaper, then epoxied on with "JB Weld" is almost as good and did I mention I'm lazy?
Look at that. The cylinder screws right on.
And the cover fits perfect.
And what's this? An access hole so an allen wrench can torque down the machine screw tucked in behind the boss. We call this "maintenance friendly". Anyone who has wrenched on factory-built, production line vehicles can attest to the inherent maintenance UN-friendliness out there in the wild.
Oh. You're probably wondering why a big-ass pneumatic cylinder is scabbed into a custom cover. This will be used to retard the ignition timing a few degrees while under boost.
Now you can buy your billet-anium geegaws from yer Pro bike shops and Specialty Parts manufacturers... impressing your friends and making the ladies moist with your deep pocketed awesomeness.
...or you can do like me and buy cheap crapola from the J.C.Whitney catalog. Witness these generic looking eyesores here:

This one is all up in the air, looking like it was just stolen from a mongoloid's rusty moped. No Bueno.

Hit with a torch (and bent to the angle that God meant it to be at) helps to convert Ass to Class. Way to polish a turd.

Rainbow burn marks = Maximum Macho.

Tip of the day: To dress cuts, use blue masking tape in lieu of Band Aids. You're in the shop. You're gonna be washing your hands and changing it several times a day. Its way quicker and easier.

That's all for today.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
resurrection, part 2
The build continues at secret Zombie Apocalypse Workshop...
The oil return line from the turbocharger must go "downhill". I turned down the threads of an NPT brass elbow fitting. Left a lip so a hose clamp can seal it properly. Drilled and tapped the centrifugal lockup clutch's housing at a suitably low height.
continued below...
A larger fitting mounted in the oil filler cap to vent crankcase pressure... same treatment on a lathe: smooth the threads, leave a lip. Why not just buy existing elbows with one threaded side and one barbed side? Because Home Cheap-o has a limited selection, and I don't feel like searching all over creation for stuff. Get it done!
Now to fabricate something that a clamp-on K&N filter can mount onto. This 2 inch diameter barbed conduit thing-ey was laying about the shop unused. It is heavy, but I'll be hacking about an inch off of each end.
The carburetor end has been cut and turned flat on the lathe. Tomorrow I'll tack on some mounting tabs.
stay tuned!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Emerging from its storage boxes in the Zombie Apocalypse Workshop secret location near the docks, the GS1100 Special claws its way back to life.
Updates will appear here at
More pictures below